The Introduction to Cybersecurity Master class is a 14-week intense hands-on course to foster knowledge about penetration testing and advanced cyber defenses. From basic security principles to advanced attacks, you will learn to attack in an isolated cyber range and learn how to detect and stop advanced intruders. The online version is free and gives you access to live classes, recordings, and a cyber range to practice what is taught during the lessons.

This course is part of the Open Informatics Master, taught at the Czech Technical University in Prague. The course is taught by members of the Stratosphere Laboratory in the AI Center, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague.

Who can take this course?

  • Students interested in cybersecurity careers
  • Individuals new to cybersecurity
  • IT professionals seeking to expand their knowledge
  • Anyone looking to expand their understanding of cyber threats and defenses

Course Start Date

This year there are 14 classes scheduled:

  • The classes start on Thursday, September 26th, 2024.
  • The classes end on Thursday, January 9th, 2025.

Time Commitment

Students should allocate 6 hours per week for taking the class:

  • The class consists of weekly 3-hour tutorials.
  • Each tutorial is linked to a practical exercise in a cyber range, which takes an additional 2-3 hours per week.


  • Time Commitment: 6 hours per week to dedicate the course class and labs
  • English proficiency: a good understanding of the English language
  • Learning attitude: a genuine desire to learn and have fun
  • Have a basic understanding of how computer systems work
  • Have a basic knowledge of Linux systems and command-line tools. You should be able to complete at least the first half of the Bandit challenge levels (
  • Have a basic understanding of Python programming language

What students will be provided with

  • Detailed coursebook per class with commands and tools used
  • Access to a chat platform to interact and ask questions
  • Live video stream and recordings of each lecture
  • Cyber Range environment where to practice what is taught during class
  • Certificate of Completion issued by the Stratosphere Laboratory

What students should bring

  • Computer to take the class and participate in the assignments
  • Good internet connection to access the class material and labs
  • Online students should have Docker installed to run a local Cyber Range
  • Online students should have a good Internet connection to access the class resources (documents, recordings, and live streams)

How to take the class?

There are currently two ways of taking this class:

  • In-person: individuals enrolled as CTU Students can access a specialized infrastructure and capture the flag platform to submit assignments.
  • Online: individuals enrolled as online students can run a local docker-based Cyber Range to practice what is taught in class.

Whether online or in person,

  • Students can access the class live stream on YouTube, and the recordings will be available shortly after.
  • Students can interact and ask questions through a chat system provided by the teachers.
  • Students will be able to access detailed coursebooks for each class.

How to register?

Online enrollment for the class can be done through Eventbrite.


If you have any questions, contact us at 13136-bsy [at]

Code of Conduct

Be respectful of all others in the class. No mistreatment or aggressive behavior will be tolerated in the class, chat, or online video chat. Speak to everyone with respect, understanding, and empathy. Students not respecting this code will be banned from the course and any future course.